Menu Constructor
This feature allows you to operate different menu types and add new menu items under each menu type. It is also possible to create submenus under existing menu items, ad infinitum; there are no limitations on submenu levels. Further, easily rename, delete, copy or move created menu items as you wish. You can navigate through the menu items using expandable tree-menu.
Content Editor
This feature allows you edit the content of the specific web page according to your needs. With the "Editor", you can enter web page content either by typing it directly into the input field or by pasting it from another editor (e.g. MS Word). Then you can format the entered content according to your needs. It is even possible to insert images, hyperlinks and flash movies onto the page.
Way-back Machine
This feature allows you to store up to 10 copies of each page thus creating a page archive. Each time you save the content of the web page a new copy is created and the oldest copy is overwritten. Then you are able to restore each page's content from any particular copy.
Page Linkage
This feature allows you to link the specific page to another page. After that these pages will have the same content. It is possible to unlink the page and restore it native content.
Page Properties
You can manage different page properties. There are properties that allow you to define page title, keywords and description. You can also set the page's published and unpublished dates. It is also possible to hide a specific web page from the menu and to allow accessing it only through the direct link.
The back-up function is the cornerstone of Aspiration Technologies store. It allows you to back up all files and database content to avoid losing information. In the event of an emergency, backed up content can be restored promptly. You can easily adjust the Back up module to suit your needs: It is possible to send backed up content to an e-mail account or to download it from the ftp server. You can also set the backup module to automatically make backups at specified time intervals.
Security and Compatibility
This feature allows checking the admin and customers upon the login for browser configuration compatibility and offers solutions for the problems if any.
Multi-Level Back-End Access
This module allows you to adjust back-end users' access to the specific store features. You can set up back-end users' privileges which will allow or deny them to operate these features and/or manage definite information.
Newsletter allows you to send the newsletter to different groups of customers and registered users on the website.
News and Events Module
News and Events module allows publishing articles and announcements related to the site.
Event Calendar
Event Calendar module allows publishing articles and announcements related to the site in a calendar format.
Ad Blocks / Testimonials
Ad blocks allow you to publish and manage advertising blocks with images, text, links and announcements.
Allows the store owner and customers to communicate with each other via an online bulletin board.
Instant Manager
Instant messenger allows the store owner and customers to communicate with each other on the site in real time. IM works well in conjunction with forum.
Classifieds allows the store owner and customers to publish classified ads with text and images.